发表时间:2023-03-18 栏目: 资料简介
冲:有几重意思1. to head or go2. strong (smell)
3. brave and fierce4. to take a nap5.for (your,his,etc.) sake
6. to direct toward
1.冲1 2.冲2冲1
1. to head or go
2. strong (smell)
3. brave and fierce
4. to take a nap5.for (your,his,etc.) sake
6. to direct toward
本 失批林肉龙.段 冲2
1. (of smell) strong
2. [Colloq.] wih2 v销凯差小问突节冷斗状igor
3. to flush; to rinse
4. to pour boiling water on
5. to rush; to charge (against)