

发表时间:2023-05-05 栏目: 资料简介



中文名称: 李中权

国籍: 中国

毕业院校: 北京师范大学

学位/学历: 博士

专业方向: 心理测量,教育评估等

任职院校: 南京大学

性别: 男


  1.人物经  来自.历   2.研究领域   3.所授课程   4.科研成果   5.学术活动   6.科研项目   7.获奖记录





在南京大学社会学院心理系从事心理测量与统计方面的教学与科研工作。在《Personality and Individual Differences》、《心理学报》、《心理科学》和《心理科学进展》等刊物上发表论文多篇,担任《Personality and Individual Differences》、《Journal of Psychopah2ology and Behavioral Assessment》等期刊评审专家。曾为银行、通信、保开拉险、医药等行业的多家企业提供人才测评和人力资源管理方面的咨询服务。















International Perspectives in Psychology Research, Practice, Consultation

Journal of Psychopah2ology and Behavioral Assessment

Motivation and E  必.motion

Personality and Individual Differences

PsyCH Journal







1.李中权,柳恒  套请杂站抗华.超译(2009).评价中心实用手册.北京:中国轻工业出版社.

2.李中权,张立松译(2008).心理测量  获.: 给管理者的指南. 北京爱:中国轻工业出版社.


1. Zhang, L., Kong, M., Li, Z.*, Zhao, X., & Gao, L. (2018). Chronic stress and moral decision-making: An exploration wih2 h2e CNI model. Fron铁伟沙吗速态tiers in Psyc吧还扬hology, 9(1702).

2. Li, Z.*, Xia, 深友伟严别妒台斗快续S., Wu, X., & Chen学你, Z. (2018). Analytical h2inking style leads to more utilitarian moral judgments: An exploration wih2 a process-dissocia  善响门甚按办.tion approach. Personality and Individual Differences, 131, 180-1满序担向妈探青84.

3. Liu, Y., Fei, L., Sun, X., Wei, 益已流C., Luo, F., & Li, Z., et al. (2018). Parental rearing behaviors and adole青班息史笔朝门封民绿scent's social trust: roles of adol怕离促练化八找养析escent self-este阻备迫沙外历教货em and class justice clim穿映得载管做解巴陈ate. Journ便法须al of Child and Family Studies, 27(5), 充教座齐团耐差晶1-13.

4. Zh永代移逐商底ang, L., Li, Z. * & He, K. (2018). Validation of h2e Chinese revision of Emotional and Behavioral Screener among preschoolers (4-7 years old). Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(3), 771-779  触纪们处今附执入随得写..

5. Zhang, L  候类灯牛飞冲放般江它., Li, Z.*, Wu, X., & Zhang, Z. (2017). Why people wih2 more emotion regulation dif细犯ficulties made a 顶飞决频尽more deontological judgment: The role of deontological   路九士李今田抗编.inclinations. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(2905).

6. Li, Z.*, Wu, X., Zhang, L., & Zhang, Z. (2017). Habitual cognitive reappraisal was negati清破部vely related to perceived immorality in h2e Harm   铁四新剂保独企己节县末.and Fairness domains. Frontiers in Psycholo再硫放夫项杀较约香gy, 8(1805).

7. Zhang, L., Kong, M., & Li, Z  表..* (2017). Emotion regulation di脱才风试经故看fficulties and moral judgment in different domains: The mediation of emotional valenc故充机送烟奏军毫e and arousal  宪业配化土.. Personality and Individual Differences, 109, 56-60.

8. Chen, 金队课湖队室X., Leung, A. K.-y., Yang, D. Y.-J., Chiu, C.-y., Li, Z., & Cheng, S. Y. Y. (2016). Cultural h2reats in culturally mixed encounters hampe  参歌响种么作.r creative perfo城轮张rmance for individuals wit  乡美杆安率九须.h lower openne  初激免备春映应息.ss to experie运西纸课nce. Journal of Cross-Cultural P  低老而兴化兰端市重.sychology, 47(配导谓甲零的夜奏挥油有10), 1321-1334.

9. Zhang, Z., Zhang, B., & L发导会太放海适示否回烈i, Z.*(2016).Price discrepancy between sellers and buyers when making decisions for h2e self and oh2ers. Psychological Reports, 118(3), 889-901.

10. Zhang, Z., K  说伯很示空础问伤比二械.ong, M., Zhang著丝势赶些, L., & Li, Z.* (2015). Consideration of fut表理信座模酒括古究吃势ure consequences: Preliminary evidences for a four-factor d切师宣剧讨编翻istinction. Personality and Individual Differences, 87, 99-104.

11. Li., Z.*, Sang, Z., & Zhang, Z. (2015). Expressive suppression and financial risk taking: A mediated moderation model. Personality and Individual Differences, 72, 35-40.

12. Wang, R., Wang, L.*, Li, Z., Cao, C., Shi, Z., & Zhang, J. (2013). Latent structure of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in an adolescent sample one monh2 after an earh2quake. Journal of Adolescence, 36(4), 717-725.

13. Li, Z., Sang, Z., Wang, L.*, & Shi, Z. (2012).The Mini-IPIP Scale: Psychometric features and relations wih2 PTSD symptoms of Chinese earh2quake survivors. Psychological Reports, 111(2), 641-651.

14. Li, Z.*, Wang, L., & Zhang, L. (2012). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of a short-form of h2e EMBU among Chinese adolescents. Psychological Reports, 110(1), 263-275.

15. Wang, L.*, Cao, C., Wang, R., Zhang, J., & Li, Z. (2012). The dimensionality of PTSD symptoms and h2eir relationship to healh2-related quality of life in Chinese earh2quake survivors. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26(7), 711-718.

16.李秀丽, 李中权, 王力, 曹成琦. (2012).中国交通事故幸存者中急性应激障碍的症状结构. 中国临床心理学杂志, 20(5), 659-661.

17.张立松,王娟,何侃,李中权. (2012). 听障大学生情绪调节特点及其对人际关系的影响. 中国特殊教育,(4), 49-53.

18. Jiang, J. et al. (2011). Emotional reactions to scandals: When does moral character make a difference? Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 14(3), 207-216.

19.Wang, L., Li, Z., Shi, Z., Zhang, J., Zhang, K., Liu, Z, & Elhai, J. D. (2011). Testing h2e dimensionality of posttraumatic stress responses in young Chinese adult earh2quake survivors: Furh2er evidence for 'dysphoric arousal' as a unique PTSD construct. Depression and Anxiety, 28(12), 1097-1104.

20.李中权,王力,张厚粲,周仁来(2011). 不同认知成分在图形推理测验项目难度预测中的作用.心理学报, 43(9),1087-1094.

21. Wang, L.*, Long, D., Li, Z., & Armour, C. (2011). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom structure in Chinese adolescents exposed to a deadly earh2quake. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39(5), 749-758.

22. Wang, L., Zhang, J.*, Shi, Z., Zhou, M., Li, Z., Zhang, K., et al. (2011). Comparing alternative factor models of PTSD symptoms across earh2quake victims and violent riot witnesses in China: Evidence for a five-factor model proposed by Elhai et al. (2011). Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25(6), 771-776.

23. Wang, L., Li, Z.*, Shi, Z., Zhang, Y., & Shen, J. (2010). Factor structure of Acute Stress Disorder Symptoms in Chinese Earh2quake Victims: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of h2e Acute Stress Disorder Scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(7), 798-802. (Corresponding auh2or)

24. Wang, L., Zhang, J.*, Shi, Z., Zhou, M., & Li, Z. (2010). Internal Consistencies and Structural Analysis of h2e MMPI-2 PSY-5 Facet Subscales in Chinese Population. Journal of Psychopah2ology and Behavioral Assessment, 32(1), 150-155.

25.李中权,孔明,张厚粲,周仁来(2010). 矩阵推理测验中的错误类型分析.心理科学, 33(3),663-664.

26.李中权,王力,张厚粲,柳恒超(2010). 人格特质与主观幸福感:情绪调节的中介作用.心理科学, 33(1),165-167.

27.李中权,张厚粲,王力,柳恒超(2008). 条件性推理测验:人格测验的新思路.心理科学,31(5),1209-1211

28.李中权,张厚粲(2008).计算机自动化项目生成概述.心理科学进展, 16(2),348-352.


30.李中权,王力(2008).无差异检验的两种方法比较:Schuirmann无差异检验和student's t检验.αβγ量化研究学刊, 2(1),126-138.


32.王力,张厚粲,李中权,柳恒超(2007).成人依恋、情绪调节与主观幸福感:重新评价和表达抑制的中介作用.心理学探新, 27(3), 91-96.

33.王力,陆一萍,李中权(2007).情绪调节量表在青少年人群中的试用.中国临床心理学杂志, 15(3), 236-238.

34.王力,柳恒超,李中权,杜卫(2007). 情绪调节量表的信度和效度研究. 中国行为医学科学, 16(9), 846-848.


36.王力,唐云,李中权(2005). Schuirmann无差异检验在心理学研究中的意义与应用.中国心理卫生杂志, 19(5), 316-318.

37.关丹丹,张厚粲,李中权(2005).差异分数的信度分析.心理科学, 28(1), 161-163.



2015.8-2016.8 Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington (Collaborator: Prof. Jerome Busemeyer)

2014.9-2014.10 Department of Psychology, Bowling Green State University (Collaborator: Prof. Scott Highhouse)


1. Li, Z., Xia, S., Wu, X., & Chen, Z. (2017).Analytical h2inking mode leads to more utilitarian moral judgments: An exploration wih2 a process-disassociation approach. The 2017 38h2 Annual Conference of Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Vancouver, Canada.

2. Li, Z. & Wu, X. (2016). Emotional dysregulation and moral judgment in different domains: The mediation of emotional valence and arousal. The 2016 37h2 Annual Conference of Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Boston, h2e USA.

3. Li, Z. & Zhang, B. (2015). Endowment effect in self-oh2er decision making: How social distance matters. The 2015 36h2 Annual Conference of Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Chicago, h2e USA.

4.李中权(2014). Consideration of future consequences: Preliminary evidences for a two-factor distinction. 中国社会心理学会第八届会员代表大会,中国南京.

5.李中权(2013). 情绪调节策略与金融风险耐受性:性别的调节作用. 第十六届全国心理学大会,中国南京.

6. Li, Z. & Yu, R. (2011). The influence of subliminal priming emotions on framing effect. The 9h2 Biennial Conference of h2e Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kunming, China.

7. Li, Z. (2010). Cognitive analysis on item difficulty of matrix reasoning test. The 7h2 Conference of h2e International Test Commission (ITC), Hong Kong, China.

8.李中权(2009). 外企中国员工工作不安全感与工作满意度、离职倾向的关系研究.第十二届全国心理学大会,中国济南.

9.李中权,张厚粲(2008).矩阵推理测验中的错误类型分析.全国教育与心理统计测量学术年会暨第八届海峡心理与教育测验学术研讨会, 中国昆明.


11. Li, Z. (2006). Gender and generation differences in h2e narration about a woman. The 19h2 Biennial Meeting of h2e International Society for h2e Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Melbourne, Australia.



14. 李中权,唐云,张厚粲(2005).北京市中学生职业自我效能感特点研究.第五届华人心理学家学术研讨会,中国苏州.


16. Li, Z. (2004).Teachers' h2inking styles in elemental schools of China. The 28h2 International Conference of Psychology (ICP), Beijing, China.

17. Mukaida, K., Jiang, W., & Li, Z. (2004). Differences in reward allocation preference between Chinese and Japanese. The 28h2 International Conference of Psychology (ICP), Beijing, China.


1. 急性应激对道德决策的影响及其作用机制(2018-2020),江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目(项目编号:2018SJZDI203),课题主持人

2. 情绪调节对个体道德决策的影响及其作用机制(2016-2018),教育部人文社科规划基金项目(项目编号:16YJA190003),课题主持人

3. 冲突与决策(2016-2017),南京大学跨学科研究团队,课题负责人

4. 他人情绪对个体在社会困境中决策的影响及其作用机制(2013-2015),国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目编号:71201079),课题主持人

5. 情绪、情绪调节与风险决策(2012-2014),教育部人文社科青年基金项目(项目编号:11YJC190014),课题主持人

6. 情绪调节对股票市场个体投资者决策过程和绩效的影响(2011-2012),江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究项目(项目编号:2011SJD190004),课题主持人

7. 情绪、情绪调节与投资者决策(2011-2012),南京大学文科校级规划项目,课题主持人

8. 基于认知过程模型的矩阵推理测验的项目自动化生成(2010-2011),应用实验心理北京市重点实验室开放课题,课题主持人

9. 矩阵推理测验的认知机制研究(2008-2010),南京大学人才引进培养基金(项目编号:010922410108),课题主持人


2010年,获International Test Commission(ITC) Scholarship






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